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sångtext, inget mästerverk. Men ibland måste man använda de enklaste orden när känslan man vill förmedla är svårare än svårast.

Honey, Im sorry

Vers 1.

Did you understand the words we said when we said it was over? Had you see in it coming or did you just no realize we ere getting nowhere?
Remember your eyes when we said we were thrue, you looked at me that way. You know, like only you can do.
Oh how I wanted you, oh how I wanted to scream.
Wake wake wake me up from this nightmaredream.
So say we didn’t mean it, Cause it only was one of your silly joke?
Take me in your hand baby, lets go back to bed.


Im sorry, im so sorry
Im so sorry for everything I made wrong
I tried and I tried, but you see – I wasn’t that strong.

Im sorry , Im so sorry
Cause you truly were my all.
My deepest regrets cant make it right,
I only got myself to blame for all thoose sleepless nights.

Honey, Im sorry
Honey, I love you.

Vers. 2 Today four months later, it all seems so meaningsless.
Why didn’t we fight? Why didn’t I stay to make things right?
Oh how I have hurt you for like a thusands of times , and you just stood there calm, truly an angel of mine.
My angel, my angel.

But I will never lay down with head in your knee, and I will never sleep beside you – Cause that’s just how it is. .
I will never call you just to say goodnight and
I will never ever, feel your kiss. Again.

Övriga genrer av pophell
Läst 254 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-07-05 21:40

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