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By the side next to you

I´m sorry for you
I´m sorry for everything you been true
I can´t help it
but my heart is turning to you
and it´s the same with my life
it´s starting to be like yours

I´m happy that we fight togheter
cause you´re my everything
and I love you more then you can see

Side by side, holding hans
us two togheter, we can make this chanse
We´re two in the time
I love you and I´m gona take care of your life
How hard, how tough
it´s just you and me
we´re gona run faster then before
on the rode of pain
and get out without black tears

Two minds that´s tell the same words
I know you have it harder then me
but we can make it anyway

Belive in your self and you can make it
that´s what you told me
and now I tell you
cause I`m so afraid to lose you
I love you, I really do
don´t leave me, then I´ll die to

Scars that is thicker then our dread
I don´t understand
come here instead
I´ll take your hand

Side by side, holding hans
us two togheter, we can make this chanse
We´re two in the time
I love you and I´m gona take care of your life
How hard, how tough
it´s just you and me
we´re gona run faster then before
on the rode of pain
and get out without black tears

Fri vers av xKillme
Läst 212 gånger
Publicerad 2007-12-08 13:12

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