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Little girl wanted to save the earth

Little girl, sailed the moon
.. on a beautiful day, like today.

She hid her young hands in the darkness of space,
gave away her smile to every star around her.

She cried both morning and day, gave glory to the flowers on earth.

Yet every day was the same, humanity cursed her name.
So the little girl cried a bit more and the rivers travelled over their edges.

One day the girl sailed back to earth..

and the rain was forever gone!

Humanity called her name,

"Little girl, little girl, Come back!"

But the girl, who felt that all tears would be in vain,
rubbed her eyes in agony..
..rested her head against the ground and refused to ever cry again.

Fri vers av LittleEm
Läst 398 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-01-09 17:52

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