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ONE OF ALL THINGS (I love with you)

ONE OF ALL THINGS (I love with you)

You come to me when I can’t breathe
You make me feel that I am complete
You sing me songs to calm my soul
You keep me warm when life makes me cold

That’s something you do that helps me get through
It’s one of all things I love with you
You keep me alive like no one can do
Maybe someday I could give some back to you

My scars from the past don’t hurt anymore
You took away all pain I felt before
Now I hope to live and die next to you
You ask me if I choose life, I say I do

That’s something you do that help me get through
It’s one of all things I love with you
You keep me alive like no one can do
Maybe someday I could give some back to you

Övriga genrer av Chriztian Wennersten
Läst 356 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-13 16:54

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Chriztian Wennersten
Chriztian Wennersten