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A SAD STORY - Just a feeling

A SAD STORY - Just a feeling

It’s just a feeling I get from you
I can’t stop and you don’t want me to
We chat on the computer all night through
And my girlfriend start to wonder what I do

It’s alright my baby, go back to sleep
You don’t want to see me act like this creep
Because I know it’s cheap and I’m feeling low
But I just have to do this so I let it go
And next day she ask me what I did all night
I get insecure and ask why she wants to fight
She looks straight at me with tears in her eyes
You should know that I get tired of all this lies

It’s just a feeling I get from you
I can’t stop and you don’t want me to
We chat on the computer all night through
And my girlfriend start to wonder what I do

It’s ok my baby, I just have to work
One more day goes by and I feel like a jerk
Why do I do this, hurt the one I love
She used to be my sunshine, my milky white dove
Look at me now, running after this other person
My girlfriend thinks we’re ok, but I got another version
I hate who I am when I do what I do
This is my apologize for what I’ve done to you

It’s just a feeling I get from you
I can’t stop and you don’t want me to
We chat on the computer all night through
And my girlfriend start to wonder what I do

Övriga genrer av Chriztian Wennersten
Läst 557 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-14 11:55

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Chriztian Wennersten
Chriztian Wennersten