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The blood is beautiful, it's life.
The pain means freedom, my tool is a knife.
It makes me keep my memories away.
It takes away the empty feeling I have every day.
It's a way to survive, to punish myself.
The demons looks down at me from a shelf.
The devils attacks me, my heart and my mind.
It's like I was a whole different kind.
Well, It' s true cause I don't want to be like you.
I don't wanna do what other people do.
You can't decide my style, my clothes or what I'm gonna say.
I've got my own life now, so get out of my way.
Everybody I love and care about.
They are angels, cause they don't scream and shout.
They are not like you, they don't complain at me.
They try to understand me, trying to see.
They want to see my scars, feel my pain.
They want to walk the long dark road through the rain.
At the end of this road is a cold place.
With a black house, just as empty as my face.
Around the house is a garden which is dead.
Everything is symbolising hate, it's knives in the bed.
In this house I want to yell at you all, one after one.
And after that you'll gonna wish that you've showed me the sun.

Fri vers av Ensammabarnet
Läst 180 gånger
Publicerad 2009-02-07 16:31

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