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He mostly just kept to himself...

turning faceless
all things bright vanished
turmoil with a calm wrapping
deceit inside festers

these eyes are sealed
an unopened gaze
locked inside

I don't need anything
cause I want for nothing
and I want for nothing
because I'm not really here
not anymore

dust settles with such immaculate ease
untainted from a life in avoidance

I breathe my fears
and they sustain my doubt

not of life, not of people
not of situations and not even of opinions
but of self... with all those things
there's no way forward and no way back
lost without a compass
in the wilderness of deep inside

as though I wanted
I move with the breeze
a gust of wind and I've got a new course set

I am life's own ragdoll
it keeps pushing me
and I keep letting it

I always wonder where I'm going
and I always long for this to end
however it might end
sunlight will actually be warm that day


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 134 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-09 21:45

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen