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the golden river

Come along with me
let us walk alongside the golden river
aloof we gaze at the fading sun
I watch the sunlight play with your hair

The secrets of the river we can never tell
follow me home and back again
the birds will sing for us
just as the smell of jasmine flows by in the breeze

We whisper all our secrets to the moon at dawn
but we never stay up late enough to hear the reflections

By dancing the fairies wake up the world
while the drums shake the earth
sleepless I have watched you breath and dream
through the stuffy nights of July
unawared of my eyes but conscious of my presens you sleep
meanwhile the drowsy moon declare our memories

In west I see the bleeding sun
and one acorn falls from the high oak tree
the river swallows it alive
aloof the wales sings the ballad of the golden river

Come along with me
let us walk alongside the golden river
aloof we gaze at the fading sun
I watch the sunlight play with your hair

Bunden vers (Sonett) av moon
Läst 239 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-25 19:25

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