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En text som beskriver att vara lyckligt fångad av sin älskade/sitt monster.


Make me suffer
Make me scream
Be my angel
Cold and mean

This face of heaven
And heart of hell
I heard you whisper
Then i fell

Your lips of longing
And eyes of gold
Just one look
Then I'm sold

Capture my soul
And hold it tight
Your arms around me
Touch of light

May you presence be my prison
And you absence my doom
Your love is shattered
Inside my room

I'm drowning in darkness
For you my love
Leaving the life
I had as a dove

They say I'm stupid
I say I'm free
Because without your ice cold kisses
There is no me

- DreadHeads 23/12-08

Fri vers av DreadHeads
Läst 225 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-13 14:09

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