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Här är en låttext jag skrev för ett tag sedan. Ursäkta min kassa engelska^^'

When I close my eyes

I close my eyes like everything, will be right.
And I close my eyes, like you are, by my side.
But nothing here is right,
And you’re, not, by my side.

Every time I close my eyes, I see your face.
And I wish you were here with me.
In my dreams, I hold your hand, and I walk to the future.
The future with you.

I close my eyes like everything, will be, okay.
And I close my eyes, like you, will stay.
But nothing here will be right.
And you don’t, will stay.

Every time I close my eyes, I see your face.
And I wish you were here with me.
In my dreams, I hold your hand, and I walk to the future.
The future with you.

Every time I close my eyes, I see your face.
And I wish you were here with me.
In my dreams, I hold your hand, and I walk to the future.
The future with you.

I close my eyes, like everything, will be right.
I close my eyes, like you are, here with me.
I close my eyes, like you are, by my side.
It is so, in my fantasy.

Fri vers av Reflex
Läst 182 gånger
Publicerad 2009-04-18 16:00

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