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The Wrong Truth

A thought slips through
The defense we've built to prevent you
From thinking of forbidden things

A thought slips through
And you will never be the same
I just need to tell you
You're a pawn in their sick little game

And it's the game of forever
That plays in your mind
We put you in this shelter
When you're becoming an own kind

When you disobey the rules
On how to think and how to feel
We refuse to be the fools
And we feed off all that's real

We crush your very being
We fight until you die
We blindfold your seeing
We destroy your revolting eye

And the one who found the wrong truth
Will forever be your name
This thought slips through
And you will never be the same

Fri vers av Shawnee
Läst 152 gånger
Publicerad 2009-05-02 02:29

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