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Forgive me/us for not being there with you//This poem is dedicated to Neda Agha Sultan and tens of others who got killed by Iranian elite Revolutionary Guard in Tehran, Iran, during the post-election violence in June and July 2009.


My town/country

Thousands of miles

Far from here

Got lonely

And we here

Came together

And wrote the song of sadness and sorrow.


My people

Thousands of miles

Far from here

Did revolt

For living bread

And liberty

And we here

Cried of longing.


My mom

My longing

And grieving mom

Thousands of miles

Far from here

Cried like a rain

When she heard

My voice

And I, here,

Lost my talk ability.


My comrades

The childhood´s fellows

The life´s friends

The fight´s combatants

The escape´s comrades

Thousands of miles

Far from here

Got lonely

And we here

Got lonely too.

Ja, we are those who were forced apart.


© Samuel E. Rajeus, Written in 1991, Stockholm, Sweden. Book: Shadows, published in 1999 Stockholm, Sweden. Published online for the first time in 2009


Fri vers av Samuel E. Rajeus VIP
Läst 753 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-27 23:16

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Samuel E. Rajeus VIP