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Day Versus Night.
In the beginning there was no light
There was only dark.
Everything you know began with a spark.
There at the dawn of time there was only dark.
Then the light put up a fight.
And the day defeated the night.
In those old days the light became king.
But for most those days now don’t mean a thing.
In our early years the darkness sneaked its way in.
The light slowly became kind of dim.
Since the process were severely slow,
no one really noticed that the way did no longer show.
When finally yesterday became today,
the light was no longer bright but grey.
Now our only hope is the light will repay,
or else in the future we will live in no less
-than darkness.
Life is yours, if you will take it.
You can set your own course, if you can make it.

2-20/4, 09.

Fri vers av Patrik Ek
Läst 246 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-23 10:16

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Patrik Ek