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Defining Hurt/ Cultural Anarchy

Words does damage to some
then to others none.
Why is it
that some hurt from a bit?
And others don't hurt at all,
or just from a single call?

Is it right then to say that some meanness
was done in kindness
and therefore it was kind
because there was no ill attempt behind?

Is it right to allow 'some'?
Doesn't that send the message it harms none?
Or is it better to say
toughen up! It's just play!

Defining Hurt, is it possible?
When it's not in every case applicable.
Not all of us are made the same
in equal tolerance to the game.

Then I have to ask myself
if it isn't about time to put games on the shelf?

Can we instead learn a pattern of peace
and that way put our minds at ease?
Can we throw away patterns of hierarchy
and move forward in cultural anarchy?
Can we?

Fri vers av Elisabeth H
Läst 200 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-03-28 12:32

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Elisabeth H
Elisabeth H