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For a different kind of fiction.

Much Ado About Nothing

Hear hear!
Do you know her?
She's new around here,
she has three babies,
the dad is to be found nowhere.
Some say they all have different dads
and she's on welfare,
anyway she don't care
about them kids,
she's on the skids you know.

(but when you're not looking
she tucks those kids in so gently
then wash up after the home cooking
unaware that tomorrow a new day will rise
on malevolent neighborhood spies)

Listen listen!
You see that guy over there?
Strange looking fella,
they say he's one helluva
thug and he can chug
a pint in no time
to crime he's no stranger
always chasing danger.
He's been to jail two times they say
beware or he'll lead you astray.

(but when you're not looking
he sits down to read a quiet book
then wash up after the home cooking
unaware that tomorrow a new day will rise
on malevolent neighborhood spies)

Did you hear did you hear?
You see that couple over there?
They're the swinging kind
down right dirty minds
he's always dipping elsewhere
while his wife he'll share
with any fellow that comes along
man that's just so wrong!

(but when you're not looking
they hug and kiss so softly
then wash up after the home cooking
unaware that tomorrow a new day will rise
on malevolent neighborhood spies)

Fri vers av Elisabeth H
Läst 168 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2012-02-25 11:07

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  Nanna X
skön skildring, tänker på Jamie T

Spectacular. I love your rythm. Your creations need to read out load for maximum effect.
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Elisabeth H
Elisabeth H