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Det är inte nödvändigt att mina dikter speglar mina faktiska känslor eller tankar till hundra procent, men det finns alltid en tanke bakom.

Are we lovers or are we friends?

I'm rolling down rooftops
always hit on the face
on new realisations
new thoughts, new ways
never seizes to amaze.

I'm still quite the runner
but sadly
the clock is a lie
this heart is what's ticking
for me, that's a shock
thought it was dark

But I'm still quite the runner
passing through boundaries
wondering when friend
becomes lover
does that mean
the relation should be..

But I'm still quite the talker
so we talk through the night
talk through the dinner
both heavy and light
Always going..
higher and higher.

I'm stronger now
It shouldn't be
It should be a flower

I'm better now
It shouldn't be
it was meant to be

But in the end
what separates lover
from friend?
And why does it all have to mean
it all has to end?

Fri vers av Erik Thor
Läst 230 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-02-25 15:04

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  Jimmie Åkesson d.y.
åzm. Och om "seizes" istället för "ceases" var med mening så var det bästa homonymswitchen ever. Om inte så var det fortfarande det. :D <3
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Erik Thor
Erik Thor