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The Embrace of Colors

I would take you to the creek
Let you fall asleep on my lap
Hear my whispers coming through your mind
Just like the wind used to play with your hair
Why does it feel like you left your heart with me
Still, you’re out of reach
I tried to grasp something that resembles you in my dreams
That failure is the only thing left aching inside of me
Taking those walks we used to
The nearby village
The sky and the leafs falling from the trees
Drowning in each other’s colors
How come you would always swim through my soul
To taste the bitterness of the reality
You said that those things supposed to be perfect lies on the surface
But there is only one thing that is perfect for me in this world
And that is your heart
Keep having your eyes closed
Thus, the only way of meeting you
May your colors embrace me through my darkest nights
Still carry my name with love
I will always remember you

Fri vers av DearCoconut
Läst 142 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-06-03 17:45

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