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Med anldning av unes lilla dikt idag; Hå, hå, ja, ja . . .

You Poor and Tiny Little Earth II


You poor and tiny little earth,
spinning in the mighty universe.
You green and brittle little ball,
which God Almighty gave us all
to live on and to administer.
But its future looks so sinister,
with human beings at the rudder
that I cannot else than shudder,
and I get a strong and awful image
of humans in a fierce scrimmage,
to plague our planet to destruction
just for simple satisfaction.
Bethink what human beings so far done
I wonder what disaster hence will come.
Considering our bad pollution,
I will be filled with disillusion.
So instead of thinking it goes well
it might indeed ends up in hell.
And therefore, you poor and tiny little Earth,
you make a risky journey in the Universe


Bunden vers av Carl O Andersson
Läst 150 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-12-21 13:10

Författaren Carl O Andersson gick bort 2017. Texterna finns kvar på poeter.se som ett minnesmärke på den avlidnes och/eller de anhörigas begäran.

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Carl O Andersson
Carl O Andersson