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Friskrivningsövning med löst tema (Religion).

Demons in my documents

the succulent honey moon melon
drips its sweet juice
through the times we had together
seeping through
ripening from crescence
looming stars shine like seeds
planted adolescence in our hearts
forever lost in light

like darkness lost its way to sunrays
rocking three wise planets
in the cradle of Bethlehem's constellation

growing rocks of wisdom
rooted in the tablets of Nazareth
Jesus on your lemon lips
bittersweet serenity
and rebirth in the fruity flesh

fertile breath and secular beliefs
coming second in the shadow
of the Second Coming... death
rooted in the pleasure
of a split-second flash
of thundering epiphanies

sparkling theories from geniuses
come-tainted blunder light-bulbs
sprouting wild and tree-like
out where mental deserts live in heaps
in tumbleweed
and shapes of question marks
that lash out like rattlesnakes
on intellectual tendencies

disintegrating facts
social development
life signs
Antichrist combined
with anti-thesis
creates divine patterns

shatter in molecular clouds
religion in shortcoming
physics nullified
explanation is inadequate
chlorinate the gene-pool
until the absolute nothing takes shape
out of a sterile sheet of needles
that inject aids-infested consciousness
into our amputated concept of reality

embrace your tattered selves


void of validity as it may be
but take the common factors
and add them to afterlife
to sanctify

to justify

to enable trust in passage rites

Fri vers av Mattias Hammarström
Läst 220 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-21 08:52

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Mattias Hammarström
Mattias Hammarström