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Prologue to my new Word-Project, Small talks. Se notes after the poem.

Worthy Words! Shepherds of Letters!

Worthy words! Shepherds of letters! Allow me to unmask your curious customs and peculiar habits!
You knock on the door, and well before I have managed to rise and take to the floor,
you,ve passed the hall and jump on my tangents, like some happy, bewildering and rowdy rabbits.
A few lines later though, please stay, don´t go! You´re the reason that I never lock the door.

Could we possibly arrange and agree, on a balance, set our matters, to a certain degree?
You may use the kitchen and occupy my rooms, and do feel free to raid and level the library, too.
For the pleasure of your company, for the riches that you bring, my terms are modest, that, you will see.
So, do grant me room and board, pencils and papers and coffee in a row, and please, do allow me to use the loo!

Notes: "Small talks", is a project where I, consciously, have painted myself into a corner, by imposing on myself the task to write a poetic causerie on a specific, chosen word, each week. Now, that´s the goal, the aim, and then, over time, I see how close I will come. And folks, this is just meant as a practice. This poem, can be seen as a prologue.
What would we do without the words? And what would they be without us? Usually we choose and pick them, but every now and then, they invade us!
Rarely, though it happens, we give birth to a new one.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 397 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-09-29 15:38

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  ResenärGenomLivet VIP
Tycker om att du skriver på engelska...det går inte att bara skumläsa, man får tänka till lite mer då...

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O K why not
L arge or small
O ch då få till nå´t
F or not one, but all
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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP