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Young feelings is oldschool

Just another young love broken
Just another young girl stolen
Trapped in another tower
But the dragon's not outside

Just another too young poem
But not another crying fool
Thought I've cried a lot My tears are not from sorrow
Cause I don't cry when I think of you

Two crying fools found happiness in each others eyes
Two smiling weirdos found safety in each others lies
But not a million words could explain for the deaf
Like not a kiss could wake the walking dead

If life wasn't evil I would be in you're arms
But love is not simple love just cues us harm
They couldn't realise that they had to reshape
Couldn't realise reality has no escape
He said:

How would you treat my most fragile of words
those silent few whispers that no one else has heard
If I gave them for only your lips to wear
and your eyes to remember as they left from my own
Your kiss would remind me of the heart that we share
and yours would not longer be cold as a stone

How can such beautiful eyes tears
How can such a brave heart be filled with so many fears

You're to good
To good to stay
Fly away
Fly as high as you can
Please don't let them get you

Why do they keep on kicking?
Can't they see, you're already dead!

What to do, what to say
I'm no human, Have no rights
Gonna destroy me for thinking?
Good luck, you'll need it

Lying under your foot
Bagging you to shoot me
Faced down on the ground
But I'm not gonna kiss your shoe

Hate me, blame me
What've I done to you?
Gonna put me in for loving?
I promise, I won't stop

I've cried so much my eyes hurts
I've screamed so loud my voice is done
I've trusted people until there's nothing left of me
Not anymore, not anymore

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Ziggy
Läst 224 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-26 17:12

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