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There's a smell of change in the air
As another day is dawning
A ticket out of hate and despair
Don't give up now, it's still morning

We can change the world for better or for worse
As long as we're prepared to take action
We will see what's wrong if we open our eyes
And not just spread dissatisfaction

In a world were life is valued
By its strength and power of mind
We'll have to be a light in the darkness
Or the strong will leave the rest behind

We've all seen what greed and hate can do
It is time we try something else
There is still a me and there's still a you
We'll work together for the common health

Have you ever wondered why
We steal and rob and kill and lie
All just to strike fear in our hearts
Nations are just lines on maps
But some don't want their lines to snap
They think it makes the world fall apart

Bunden vers (Rim) av Joel Melander
Läst 266 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-10-19 15:17

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Joel Melander
Joel Melander