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Den här har några år på nacken. Glad att jag inte har såna typer i mitt liv längre.


Dirty, sordid.
White as they may be, they're charcoal blackened.

Understand where you stand,
quicksilver, and you're sinking fast.
It's nowhere benign,
utterly malign
and you're it.

Behind the wheel
is a frenzied wish
that distort good intention
to save face.
And you're it.

Feelings of inferiority
wickedly distorted priority.
If feeling so small
then why not be tall
instead of ACT tall?
What is the use of inventing
shaped as causality?
You're it.

Fri vers av Elisabeth H
Läst 187 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-02-12 18:09

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Elisabeth H
Elisabeth H