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Att genom uppoffring  i  askes och prioriteringar
i det sociala livet, söka  odla en personlighet vars
identitet är unik i sitt slag, behöver ingen bekräft-
else från  omgivningen  då  den  är tillräckligt sig
själv nog i sin originalitet.
Vad som i en social gemenskap  utmärker  sig är
att alla personer är en person, utan  utmärkande
och särskiljande drag, stöpta i samma  likriktade
form av allalikavärdes-tanken där  ingen får vara
Personlig utveckling är inget som låter sig göras
i en flock,den kan endast vinnas i och genom sig
själv i avskildhet från  inverkan och påverkan av
människor och omvärld.

Prosa av Notarius publicus:Sten Wiking VIP
Läst 338 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-31 09:46

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“The new-born child does not realize that his body is more a part of himself than surrounding objects, and will play with his toes without any feeling that they belong to him more than the rattle by his side; and it is only by degrees, through pain, that he understands the fact of the body. And experiences of the same kind are necessary for the individual to become conscious of himself; but here there is the difference that, although everyone becomes equally conscious of his body as a separate and complete organism, everyone does not become equally conscious of himself as a complete and separate personality.... It is such that he, as little conscious of himself as the bee in a hive, who are lucky in life, for they have the best chance of happiness: their activities are shared by all, and their pleasures are only pleasures because they are enjoyed in common.... It is because of them that man has been called a social animal.”

  Notarius publicus:Sten Wiking VIP
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Notarius publicus:Sten Wiking
Notarius publicus:Sten Wiking VIP