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Artificial intelligence will revolutionize our lives in the short future; at least that is what is said, in numerous articles, books, documentaries and in the scientifc and political debate. Here are some personal reflections.

Deep learning. (Paragraph added)

Artificial intelligence, as a theoretical and philosophical
concept, as well as its increasingly apparent manifestations,
seem, a bit paradoxically speaking, to make us reflect as
much on ourselves as human beings and the essence of our
existence, as on its practical implementaions in everyday life.

Although, invented by our own minds, it seems inherent
with a potential to surpass our control, with us reacting to,
and complying with, its extensions in time and space;
as newfound stars and galaxies appearing on the firmament
with a speed beyond or capacity to keep up with the
exponential graph that emerges in front of our eyes, and not
the least, our visualizations of its further coordinates.

The resemblance with how we have internalized the almost
unimaginable powers inherent in a single atom, and the
consequences connected with its exploration, is, as I see it,
quite striking.
The realization of its potential holds a promise of
unlimited access of energy for a multitude of purposes;
though, as reflections from an integrated mirror,
as an isotope turning unstable, our imagiation and
creative outets also emanate waves of consequences
that tend to end up beyond our control.

It seems resonable, and in a way , as a natural consequence,
that these two fields of our creative curiosity will merge into
a new, exceptional, and exponential graph, opening up
loopholes into new physical, mental, and not the least,
moral questions; materializing challenges, and potential
promises, of magnitudes beyond our present spheres of

"Deep learning", see Wikiedia etc

Övriga genrer av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 255 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-05-03 15:43

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Olof Lagerhorn VIP