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This poem reflects on the evolution of life on Earth. Algae is the plural form, but for the sake of the text´s flow, I treat it as a singular.

The Eye of the Algae. (revised)

Two wiews did I inherit, the Algae´s
and the eye of the Eagle.

Two sights bound Prometheus to
the cliff, the Eagle´s, and the one
of the Algeae.
Heracle came, set him free.

Freja came, sailed the heaven and
the seas, she sailed far.
Met feathered men, sharp-eyes
flew high, hawk-claws.

Spin-doctors came, they think
think they see, see it all, all
at once. I might be one.

Waters come, breeze comes
springs Algae, sees me
through, sees through me
trails of time.
Algae meets the Eagle,
high above
meet their eyes.

Fri vers av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 229 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2018-07-21 18:37

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