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24 augusti 2020

Ember roots

Neglect of the direct order
of the one order in life
will blind you, while
your sight is leaving you,
as you are not believing you.

Satan's soul theft means
not that you have left
where you cannot leave.

A cell with a wide open office
for the lifeless soul to siphon fear,
the fake business of
holding near
the beloved dear
memories of the mind pit,
greased with snake spit,
as the corners are lit with smoke
from the ember roots
of the deep oak,
from which the soul hangs
in waiting for the guest to
return his coat to the
grand crown father.

Each day turning, spiraling,
towards the light to give thanks.
Each night burrowing its roots
towards darkness to reveal truths. To

know thyself.
To offer you,
self to self,
sjálfr sjálfum mér.

Only the roots seen soaking
in the well of Hell
will grow, bloom and blossom, flow
in the gatelessly gated heavenly Heaven.

Fri vers av KPJ Sundquist VIP
Läst 49 gånger
Publicerad 2021-05-21 17:39

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KPJ Sundquist VIP