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en engelsk text om mina tre passioner i mitt liv...

My Three Passions

English Three passions

My three passions are connected to my life.
Passions who inspire me to develop my visions, to see the world and to give my wiew of how i see the relatiy of it.

The first, and the most important for me since i was younger, is the loving animals. They, have given us so much and sometime nothing in return. But what i see here is how much the passion for animals grows stronger inside of me to save these animals who really needs our help when we useing them for wrong reasons, to save them whatever it takes.
When i started this school i knew i was going to be a vet, to save the poor treated and hurted animals from dying or help the owner to the pets from other accidents or diseases. I was sure about it.. now my faith has prove for me that I would never be a vet but still got the reason to work with animals furthure on, and whatever it is i will take the chance and make my bruning dream to come true.

The second one, is something i have in my mind all the time and also listening to all day, the music. The music can bring me into tears and some to laugh, some who make me listen to their message or just stimulateing my mind. Now i usually listening to harder music like: heavy metal, harcore and so on. But there are those times when i´m feeling lonely and sad and i really have to listen to lower, more touching texts like ballads. The text or just the music itself can chance my feelings and humor quite alot. So Music will allways live in my mind and soul till i die.

The third, i usually do almost all the time on my sparetime and in school, is the writing. I have a hughe need to write, it can be only some few words or a long novel/story.now mostly my writing starting to be personal toughts about my life and my dreams about the animals who suffering. If I knewed what to do for the animals i would have write it down and later on deliver for those who want and understands my feeling and visions. To share what i see of the world, of the animals who suffer and a lots of other things is a need to write about feels important to me and one day i hopefuly can write for the rest of the world and make thme chance for how we treat the world.

These passions are allways something i have in my life or mind, and on one can stop me from keeping saving, listening and writing. As long as i have my dreams i hopefuly will be a person who maybe sit in FN and talk about nature disasters that we have caused, and how to chance the world.

Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Alexis_17
Läst 300 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-11-26 21:10

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