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there are shadows tearing pieces of me away
I am devoured piece by piece... in shreds
and I welcome them... it... I need them... to feel
to force apathy away... to breathe calm... still
it's all fiction and words from a strange place but
the requirement of life isn't all hopeful and rosy
it's always more... always so much more...
there's no love in me anymore... no dread
no insecurity or fear... there's just dark
the colour black and the shade gray
thus I don't feel bad... I don't feel good...
I don't hope and I don't try...
I've failed life... failed myself in life...
there's nothing to give and I don't care enough to take
and still I see them every night
my companions... my shadows...
feeding of my flesh
... I welcome them


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 158 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-29 23:43

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen