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My Reason

Across these Empty distances

Through those walls and borders

Throughout this entire World

Eternal will continues

Even so, at times

Oh most Merciful, most Gracious

I loose patience, hope

Willingness to see beyond

I tell myself, why even care?

Being man, I don’t know if it’s truly fair...

I ask myself,

how is it that Hate lives

side by side with Love

How is it that black

blends in with white

How is it that paradox

fits into these frames so well?

Oh, why is it that Shaytan was allowed...

Even so, at times

When in the coldest of nights

When in the darkest of hours

Even when I'm ever so filled with doubt

to All and Everyone

You're still around

Forgiving me, loving me, sending me

Your Eternal Light

Letting me behold,

this glimpse of Your almighty Will

And it's only for that split second

that I am

If I ever doubted Your Will

Oh most Merciful, most Gracious of all

Never loose faith in me

Never loose your hopes in me

This will last for Eternity

This is my only reason

for being

Fri vers av Seasons VIP
Läst 305 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-22 05:45

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  Dr Jimmy Johansson The 777

helt fantastisk!
Jag är mållös.
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Seasons VIP