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You only fight Once

you only live once

you only live once


and the struggle

playing in the background

of life

isn't affected

by transparent imaginations


see because

you're in a show

that can't be turned off


you're dead

and by that time

the show dies with you...


there's only

transcient escape

through thoughts


you have to take action


so pick your role

in the lifelong struggle

you're living


see because

you only live once

but more importantly

you only fight once!

Fri vers av Seasons VIP
Läst 311 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-06 00:54

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yes, you really are in a show that can't be turned of... less somethings pushes the button: death...
du sa precis de jag nyss skrivit om ;) men inte publiserat än..
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Seasons VIP