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#43 av 100 Theme Challenge.


I’m lying here, dying.
And you are here beside me, just lying.
Lying to me, telling me I’ll be fine,
that the blood on the ground isn’t mine.

That I’m just going to sleep,
that the wound really isn’t that deep.
That I better stay in there,
and I’m thinking stay in where?

That I want to see my baby once again,
that I don’t want to give up on my men.
That I’m supposed to hold on,
that we just won.

But all that is going through my head,
are the words that were never said.

I love you all, in a very special way,
And I hope I'll see you in Hell one day.

Bunden vers av Gylling
Läst 223 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-03-18 19:46

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