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...you know, I'm already really tired and not in the mood for anything. I mean, there's really nothing that seems fun anymore. I'd rather just sit alone, reading or sleeping, doesn't matter as long as it has nothing to do with real life. why do we even bother getting out of bed in the mornings. see, you can't cut me down, because I'm already as low as I could ever get, not that you care... you're such a fucking son-of-a-bitch who don't care about anything. you're just happy so long as someone fucks up and you get to be there and slap them in the face with it, told you so - loser. I cried and I guess you'd love that if you ever found out, but I won't let you see because you will not have that satisfaction from me. my life's been pissing on me for so many months now, there hasn't been a good thing going on for I don't know how long. so you really needn't bother kicking me down, because I'm already there, rock bottom.

Prosa av Yheela
Läst 226 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-03-19 13:06

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