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I dreamt of you, I dream of you still

I dreamt of a cottage, hidden behind a garden of lilies and roses, where the scent makes you think of flowery dreams. I'm by the stove you made for me, brick by brick you made it for me; for you know how I love to cook and bake. The lace curtains flutter in the breeze and blackbirds sing to me through the open window.

I dream of us, in the garden, underneath the roses, your hands in my hair and your lips on mine. And the blackbird is singing still, breaking my heart with its song and then I know that this is only a dream. I've dreamt of you for so long and I dream of you still and I can still taste you when I wake up, I can still feel your hands on my face.

I dreamt of the beach with the waves crashing against the shoreline, the wind ripped through my hair and wiped the tears of my face. All that was left was the salty taste of the sea and of my crying. I just stood there, looking out over the sea and cried, until there was nothing left of me and the wind swept me away. Up high and across the sea, I saw everything and nothing. I saw the world, but I never saw you.

I dream of you lying sleeping in my bed, dreaming of me. Your hair is tussled, I long to run my fingers through it, but I do not wish to wake you. For in my dream of you dreaming none of us can risk waking up, I do not want to stop dreaming of you. I dreamt of you every night of my life, I dream of you every night, I always will. In my dream I can no longer resist your sleeping face, I must have you once more, one last kiss.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Yheela
Läst 193 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-04-06 14:09

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