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I found you, I lost you Kan även läsas: http://www.ardunia.dinstudio.se/empty_148.html

The Color Of Your Eyes

All this music
now days
so difficult
to listen to
it reminds me
it all reminds
me of you

Don't want
to write it
all apart
it shouldn't
be destroyed
by sadness
but this music
now days holds
a kind of echoing

I remember you
standing in the
shadows in the
dawning light
these blue eyes
couldn't dream of
a more stunning sight
you took my breath
away and I choke
the words my heart
craved to say

I remember us
stranded in the storm
you held me tight
I painted my love
while looking
into the light
You said;
how do we live
through this?
felt your warmth
your gentle kiss

You were shaking
as your words
filled my ears
and I thought that
I had never forgot
the color of your eyes
no matter what
in all those lifetimes
all those years

For I remembered
you at first sight
it brought back
chaos it brought
back fright
I remembered a
deep sense of loss
I remembered that
I had fought for us
that we had loved
and lost and how
much it had cost

No I had never
forgot the color
of your eyes
or how vulnerable
I fell under your
careful spell
how we went to
heaven and to hell
if there are such things
and I've always felt a
distinguish desire
to hold you safe under
my shimmering wings

Fri vers av SeXara
Läst 233 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2010-04-28 18:07

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