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En text om döden, inspirerad av en ung kille som berättade om hur hans mamma hade dött på radion i programmet karlavagnen.


Why spending all your time to avoid death?
It's something that can not be avoided,
something you can not cheat,
something all of us, eventually will meet.

Use your time to live,
because that's what it's for,
live by "carpe diem",
and tell the one you love "je t'aime".

Death can not be avoided by any chance,
it's like playing a game you can't win,
a game which destroys your time,
a game that will consume your life.

Death is the end,
but not of the book,
only the chapter,
what waits beyond we'll see when we get there.

Fri vers av Jimmy Olsson
Läst 437 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-17 00:20

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Jimmy Olsson