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Lost Inside

A mirror,
a reflection,
a copy of the reality,
a reflection of yourself.

My mirror,
my reflection,
a copy of myself,
and yet a reflection of a stranger.

Who am I?
What am I?
What is my purpose here?
Do I even fulfill any purpose at all?

I am lost,
in this world,
don't know where I am,
don't know what I am.

I am lost,
inside this body,
don't know why I exist,
don't know why it hurts.

I am like the pupil of the eye,
surrounded by the iris,
which is like my body,
there is no way out.

My body is like the iris of the eye,
surrounded by by a empty white sea,
which is the cold and empty world,
a world where i do not belong.

I am an outsider,
in this world,
in this body.
How did I get here?
Who sent me?
And why?

Fri vers av Jimmy Olsson
Läst 342 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-17 20:53

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Jimmy Olsson