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Jag är en jäkla bitterfitta. Har försökt gång på gång att förtränga de sura bittra tankarna, men det hjälper inte. De kommer tillbaka likt en bomerang.

Let's Be Happy Together

I have tried to flee,
I've been running forever,
mile after mile,
but it still caught me.

It's not the first time,
I've tried like a billion times,
each time with the same results,
it still catches me.

I've tried to scare it away,
scare it away with a smile,
a smile and happy thoughts,
still it cathes me.

I don't want to be an angry person,
but still I am,
I really try not to,
but the anger catches me.

I am a bitter person,
an angry person,
a cynic and a pessimist,
throwing bile one everyone.

Please help me,
help me be happy,
share a smile with me,
lets be happy together.

It's easier that way.

Fri vers av Jimmy Olsson
Läst 249 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-20 19:32

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Jimmy Olsson