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night fright


i'm afraid of the dark,
the sounds and shapes that are never seen nor heard at day
i scare myself with visions of monsters,
both human and other,
lurking outside my window
waiting, just waiting, for me to fall asleep


i'm afraid of the dark,
the whispers and shadows that seep out of the corners
i scare myself by interpreting the mumbled words,
in the human tongue and other
imprinting madness
slowly, ever so slowly, quietly even


i'm afraid of the dark,
the noises and outlines that invade my bed after sunset
i scare myself by feeling them,
human touches and others alike
caressing and soothing me
into madness and night fright

Fri vers av Yheela
Läst 123 gånger
Publicerad 2010-10-06 11:40

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