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sometimes you just want to be alone so you can feel how lonely you are. but when the lonelynes comes up to your head it's starting a provess in your mind of how you could make it better. you can feel the dark rising in your head just becaus you don't know how to make the pain go away. and still you could kill someone for the life you never had. every time your alone you can se thier fases and how they make fun of you and the way you are, they never did anything when your there cuz they know what you've been through. but you know what they say when your not around and you know how they laugh. for them it's only a game.foryou it's reallety. They always keep saying it's not your fault but deep in your mind you know it is cuz if you wouldn't be the way you are nothing wouldn't happen. and you just need someone who will look deep in your eyes and say: it'snot your fault and even if it is i know that it wasn't your plan to hurt someone and now it's to late to change. but i love youfor the way you are, the way you were and the way you will be, so just hold may hand and we will walk away in the sunset to a place were you will be happy in my arms forever and allways... but still your sitting in your dark room and you just imagine everthing cuz you know that will never happen but if it does you'll be there wiht open arms just to feel that someone in this crule world love you..

Fri vers av Sara Andersson
Läst 175 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-24 23:38

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Sara Andersson
Sara Andersson