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covered in black

there never was anyone else. that heart of yours. covered in black. sang only of one name. and one name only. the pain you carry. must never be seen. for that is the cross you chose to bear. with eyes where the tears ran dry. you look out on to the world. where everyone pretends life goes on. they must pretend. life cannot continue. not without that laughter. or those eyes. or the way that hair caught the wind. none of that will ever be again. and the world cannot go on. yet it does. and you closed your heart. closed in on the pain. cut through life as if it was your enemy. for what else could it be. when it took away your reason to breathe. you changed yourself. but no one could see. for the blackness had to cover the truth. you did love once. you truly loved. and you did love all the way. to your last breath. uncovering your black heart. revealing the red inside.


Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Yheela
Läst 154 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-11-28 20:37

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