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New begining

I can no longer feel the ancient pain

That clouds my judgement and my thoughts

And protects me from all the wrong of the world

I don't need or want it to cloud my heart anymore

Recalling happy memoreis, I wonder

Whether a different path would lead to a better life

Just another chapter, yet another passage

Scribblings in the endless book of 'Time and Life'

Sorry doesn't change the past

It just change the way I look at you

I can no longer feel the ancient pain..

Fri vers av Majah Tufvesson
Läst 170 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2011-04-13 09:12

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Ahhh, how wonderfully you have described the change in life that will open the passage to all good things! Applause
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Majah Tufvesson
Majah Tufvesson