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The impossible

A fever spreads through my body
And my thoughts keep wandering back to you
I wonder if I should stay
Or leave you as you fall
You never helped me rise
So my indifference shouldn’t come as a surprise
Even if I wanted to pick you up I wouldn’t be able
This isn’t a moral story, I don’t do fables
All I’m saying is we destroy each other
And when I was young I made a promise to my mother
To never let a man hurt me like they hurt her
So I let our passion fade to a lovely blur
The touch of your fingers burns my skin
This you know, but still touch me with a grin
I try to run but my feet are stuck
You throw your hateful words at me and I try to duck
My legs are paralyzed and my arms are numb
When we are together, we get so dumb
You never gave me warmth, not the soft and lovely kind
Fire or ice was the only thing I could find
And I had to chose between freezing to death
From the coldness in your breath
Or burning up from the fire of your touch
Our love ain’t worth much
You lay a hand on my face and it starts to burn
My health is not your concern
You alternate between the hot and the cold
When you hold me tight
Ignore my cries at night
You give me a kiss
You tell me I’m not someone you miss
Forever mystified by the impossible I stay
And watch you prey
I only want the impossible, that which I can never reach
And I’m entranced by watching you leech
But if you were to open up your heart and let me in
The flesh of my interest you would skin
As soon as I know you love me, my love dies
And you will be the one that cries
Taking long, cold showers
Thinking about me for hours
And I’ll finally be sleeping tight
Never again waiting for you at night

Fri vers av MillaAurora
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-12-06 07:16

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