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Hamlet II

To breathe, or not to breathe – that is the question:
Why do I breathe?
Why do I consistently inhale and exhale this filthy air?
Why do I contribute to the greenhouse effect by letting carbon dioxide escape through my mouth and nose?
Because I like it? No.
Because it is healthy? No.
To keep myself alive? Yes.
Breathing is necessary if I want to live,
And I do want to live
I do want to feel my heart beat
I do want to wake up every morning by the alarm clock
I do want to be able to experience and help this world in need,
But to what cost do I want it?
To the cost of my lungs, who will get tired and damaged some day?
To the cost of the people around me, who have to suffer from my bad breath?
To the cost of the rest of the world, whose precious oxygen I incessantly waste?
Despite my anguished wallet, I am willing to pay the price of those costs.
Willing to pay the price of breathing.

Fri vers av Karnie
Läst 190 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-01 22:50

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