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You cant see it, because you dont see me any more
But there's a shadow next to me
You walked away and I cried for nights and days
I drove for miles and miles only to stop in the middle of no-where
and still hear our shouts as if they were in the present

I thought I finally got over you
but there's a shadow next to me
Wherever I go
Whereever I turn, I still love you
You are no-where and I still feel you like you were here

I love you without words and without tears now
and there's a new man in my life
a new man who is more than you ever were
who fulfills the promises you made
who picked me up and stays by my side

He does everything right by me
just like you used to do
He treats me well and like a princess
just like you did enough times for me to save those moments as treasures
He makes me strong and has my back
Just like you never did
and still
still he's just a shadow of you

I still have my box you see
the box with treasures of things we almost did,
promises we almost saw through
all our love and all our strenght
The box may seem empty, like butterflies that fled
But there's a shadow next to me
you are the butterfly that flew away but never said goodbye

I close my eyes often very hard not to see
not to see how much he is the better version of you
that still seems so very grey
But it doesnt matter how hard you close your eyes
The smallest peek is always bright light in your eyes

Every other man can be perfect and do all the things you just almost did
and they will still only be the shadow of you

I know you cant see it
and I know you cant hear it
Beacuse you dont look or listen anymore
But I still want you to know,
I still need to say the words
that you are the shadow next to me

Fri vers av Angel in the snow
Läst 255 gånger
Publicerad 2012-06-18 18:17

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Angel in the snow