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Lets play a little game shall we?
We could pretend to be friends
You could act like you care about my feelings
and I could act like I dont have them
It could be fun.

Lets fake foes to friends
Make your badly hidden accusations into advise
Or why not say it was all my fault?
Yes, hey, that's a good idea
Maybe I'm not old enough to take responsibility perhaps?
It's probably because I am so young, you'd say

We could all jump on this train
run by sheer temptation
Lets screw the prettiest chick over
and cheat and lie to our wifes

Yeah, come on, lets all play this game where we are all pretending to live the true life
Pay back by wellplanned tours all around the miserable, second world
Shed crocodiletears for the hungry children
and get a tan from the backslaps from the rest of us

Lets all praise the lord and mother earth
Take long eucalyptus-baths
and facebook about that brandy you had while you valued life and supported your friends

And dont forget to work your ass off
make lots of gold so you can buy yourself three cars for the family
Send your calls to voicemail and ignore your emails
Status comes from business
so send the kids off to soccercamp and repaint the house

We are all perfect
So please, lets play this funny, little game
Where you are awsome
and I am just not old enough to learn from you

Yes, I am having a blast
But tell me, why arent you?

Fri vers av Angel in the snow
Läst 304 gånger
Publicerad 2012-08-09 13:59

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Angel in the snow