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The sky was a clear Autumn blue

As three ravens overhead flew

My eyes followed the arc of their glistening black wing

And I heard the song that they always sing
The forest, fields, sky and wherever

Everything that may ones be

Is Odin's to rule forever and ever

And for us to oversee
They cawed and fluttered 

Not one more sound they uttered.

Two veering left and one flew right

I tried to keep them all in my sight
They must be off to Odin no doubt

To tell him of what the humans are about

I send along the Rainbow Bridge a prayer

Hoping to avoid the one-eyed gods all-knowing stare

Bunden vers (Rim) av Yheela
Läst 178 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-09-08 14:08

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