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Dark and Light

Rays of silver glowing through my window
Trying to chase the shadows away
Dark and light will always fight
To win the soul for one single day

The soul will struggle untill that time
It fades or yields to the stronger side
The light offers the sound of the stars
That may or may not heal the scars

Darkness shrouds itself in pain
To make the soul forget again and again
When the single day ends at last
First choice will be to forget the past

One single ray of silver cross my hand
Within the sparkle a promise i can hear
Tomorrow is untouched land
Says a gentle voice into my ear

Battle of the great fades slowly away
The soul is put to sleep
Tomorrow comes another day
Dont be afraid to take the leap

The sun rises for a new day
Clouds have almost scattered
Shadows are slowly chased away
Leaving the soul tattered

Come, says the gentle voice so clear
Its time to end the violence
Far away, yet so very near
To hear my cry in silence

Darkness yields to the stronger light
Not a single word outspoken
I will be prepared for another fight
Says the soul yet unbroken

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nemio
Läst 228 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-01-14 12:13

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