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Dark night

In darkness i live
Even though it's pitch black
the warmth of life i still there

it may be black
but evil does not
appear as clearly in the dark
as it does in the light

In the light i suffer
in the dark silence of the night i find freedom and peace.

To you it may sound weird
but i'm happy
it's what keeping me alive
and nothing can change that

If i die here
this dark yet bright world
would slowly
close it black wings around me
And i will then glide into a long silent slumber
in the arms of an angel as black as the night.

Fri vers av Elin Larsson- Nordlund
Läst 177 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-02-13 23:34

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Elin Larsson- Nordlund