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My moon

I was lost
In the darkest night
My mind was weak
My soul was about to break

Sorrow and pain
Blocking my way
My happiness
Was fading away

But then
There was you
A soft silver light
Shining a way through

My soul is healing
My heart is beating
A comforting light
Cleansing away the blight

Your arms around me
My sorrow consoled
The pain is gone
I'm happy again

You who shines in the nigh
With your soft silver light
Took away the chain
I'm finally free again

I spread my wings
I dance in the sky
I say the words
"I love you"

Fri vers av Elin Larsson- Nordlund
Läst 152 gånger
Publicerad 2015-03-30 09:23

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Elin Larsson- Nordlund